Zola de eva

Vovô Zola

Vovô Zola: lembro-me bem de sua rotina que sempre foi a mesma da minha infância até quando quase já era moça adulta. Vovô Zola acordava todo dia de segunda a sábado bem cedo mas não tão cedo. Eu levantava as 7 da manhã e esperava minha vovó me encontrar pra fazer logo minha vitamina de banana. E vovó dizia “vai dormir menina, está muito cedo”. Eu sentava logo ali na cadeira que dava para ver a porta do corredor. Logo logo já havia vovô entrar no banheiro para se preparar pra sair de casa e começar o seu dia no loja. Sentava sempre na mesma cadeira. A cadeira era do vô e todos sabiam disso. Seu café da manhã era sempre bem farto. Café feito na hora, queijo, pão quentinho (mas o miolo ele sempre tirava) biscoito. Chegava lá na loja lá para 9h? Não sei bem ao certo. Que eu me lembre ficava lá até a hora de voltar pra casa para o almoço. Era sempre o mesmo horário. Almoçava, tinha sempre uma comidinha deliciosa da vovó que ela fazia com a ajuda das boas moças que trabalhavam na casa pra ela. Depois do almoço, era a hora de deitar na cama, assistir jornal hoje na tv pequenina do quarto. Depois levantava e voltava para sua loja. A loja mais conhecida da cidade, bem na rua mais importante, rua central de Caraí. Todos o conheciam como Zola de Eva. Era assim que falavam… ouvi dizer que até prefeito de Caraí já tinha sido convidado pra ser, mas humildemente recusou a oferta. Mas gostava de cantar na praça. Então Vovô cuidava da loja com Tia Teresa depois Tia Alexia e eu fingia que trabalhava lá também. A loja tinhas várias coisas necessárias de se encontrar em uma cidade pequenina que é Caraí. Pano, parafuso, esmalte, papelaria, materiais de construção, brinquedo, agulha. Você ia entrando na loja e era um labirinto que dava em um quintal e as vezes dava medo mas você sempre encontrava alguma coisa interessante por lá. Eu reversava entre ir na loja do vovô e ir na loja da Tia Nana jogar meu joguinhos de liga pontos e jogo da velha. A loja do vovô só tinha um problema pra mim… não vendia balas e doces mas a loja da Tia Nana tinha e era lá que eu sempre estava à espera do meu saquinho marrom de balas. Mas na loja do vovô tinha muito espaço então mamãe, tia Mara e Tia Alexia sempre estavam lá sentadas a ver o povo passar, dar um alou e papear. Acho que era assim o ano todo mas é que eu só ia mesmo depois do natal pra passar o ano novo e o mês de janeiro. Logo ali do lado se eu precisasse de um intervalo do meu revezamento de lojas eu podia ir na casa de Tio João e Tia Li brincar com Lara. E assim era minha rotina vendo a rotina do vô. As 15:30-16 vovô ia pra casa de novo tomar seu café da tarde. Sentava em sua cadeira e lá estava mais uma vez a mesa cheia de quitutes. Tudo muito caseiro. Eu achava interessantíssimo 4 garrafas de café com 4 tipos de cafés para todos os gostos. Forte, fracos, com e sem açúcar. Vovô terminava seu café e logo ia fechar todas as janelas para evitar dos pernilongos entrarem. Voltava pra loja e ficava lá até fechar as 18. Chegava logo em casa para sentar no sofá e assistir à missa com vovó Eva. Ai depois era esperar a janta. Mas primeiro tinha novela das 18 e fechava a porta do lado por que como era noite todos entravam pela porta da saleta. Depois jornal local. Ai tinha novela das 19 mas nessa hora bora pra mesa jantar. Acho que vovô como eu não era fã das novelas das 19… Depois jornal nacional e abrir todas as janelas porque os pernilongos já tinham ido dormir.  E aí vovô ia no banheiro escovar os dentes e cama mas continuava com a tv ligada até uma 22? Talvez. Minha memória é falha. Outra coisa, Vovô andava de um jeito diferente por causa das cirurgias de joelho. Ele gostava de contar as coisas da vida dele e a gente só tinha que ouvir que ele ficava feliz de contar as histórias. Um dia me disse “quer tomar cachaça toma, mas tomar até cair”. Era bom, era infância. Da saudade mas se da saudade é porque vivi. Vivi esses momentos e aproveitei. Obrigada Zola de Eva. Pai do Tio Geraldinho, Tia Mara, Tia Nana, Rosa (mamãe) Tio Zé, Tia Teresa, Tio João e Tia Alexia. Avô do Igor, Nathalia, Yuri, Guilherme, Alexandre, Leonardo, Eu, Lara, Lívia, Clara, Agatha, Davi, Amanda. Bisavô da Ingrid, Julian, Rudah, Raphi, Joao Miguel, Bernardo, Felipe e Thomas. Zola marido de Eva.

🇩🇪Germany and Czechia 🇨🇿

From May 16 to May 24, 2022

Town’s we Visited:

  • Regensburg, Germany

  • Kelheim, Germany

  • Deuerling, Germany

  • Pilsen, Czechia

  • Prague, Czechia

  • Karlovy Vary, Czechia

    Places we visited:

  • Dult - Local Regensburg’s Fun Fair: Happens every year in May and the end of August / beginning of September. Link with more info. We went 2 times: May 17 and May May 20. BRING CASH!!! (euros). They don’t accept credit cards. First time was Devin, my brother Gui and I. We wanted just to check it out. So much fun. Second time was even better, I dressed up like a real Bavarian and we met my brothers coworkers. German gils are the most beautiful.

  • Alte Lindem Regensburg: Traditional beer hall & garden founded in 1901, serving Bavarian food with city & river views. Link with more info. Devin, my Mom and I went there for Lunch. May 20,

  • Weltenburger Kloster/Monastery Brewery: Weltenburg Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in Weltenburg near Kelheim on the Danube in Bavaria, Germany. Amazing restaurant and beer. Link here. Our last day in Germany (May 23, 2022) we decided to go on a boat tour to this Monastery. What a wonderful day with Mom and Devin. The day started a little cloudy but the sum popped and the day was perfect.

  • Boat Ride from Kelheim to Weltenburger Kloster: Link Here. BRING CASH.

  • Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Hemau: Church where Raphi was baptized. Link here. Rafael’s baptism was on May 22 followed by festivities at my brother’s and Maria’s house. Fun times and delicious food because mom cooked. Chicken Pie, rice, all kinds of desert.

  • Velkopopovická Karlovy Vary: Best food. I want to go back there now if I could. Link here.

  • Malá Strana - Neighbourhood in Prague, Czechia. Prague is so cuteeeee. It reminds of Belo Horizonte, so many bars and people drinking everywhere at anytime of the day.

  • Petrin Tower (Great view) Use the elevator if you are afraid of heights…(we used stairs because was cheaper lol around $12.97 pr person.): The Petřín Lookout Tower is a steel-framework tower 63.5 metres tall on Petřín Hill in Prague, built in 1891. It resembles the Eiffel Tower and was used as an observation tower as well as a transmission tower. Today the tower is a major tourist attraction. Link here.

  • Petřín Gardens: Hillside garden with areas for roses & fruit trees, plus a funicular railway & viewing tower. Link here.

  • Restaurant Nebozízek and Hotel: great view. Beer + views of Prague. Link here.

  • Appia hotel Residences - Prague: Great customer service, delicious breakfast, room was comfortable and clean. Short walk to bars, restaurants, beautiful places. Offers parking. Affordable prices for the room. Beautiful building. When I go back to Prague I want to stay here again. My husband and I, love it. Parking available for 13 euros.We did not use the car in Prague. We only used the car to get to Prague from Germany. Link here.

  • Autobahn in Germany… if you want to drive fast… “drivers are free to go as fast as they want in de-restricted sections of the autobahns. Yes, as fast as you want!” We did the max out rental car could take it… Around 115mph. But I advise you to go and take back roads as well. The mustard fiels were beautiful and you will see all kinds of cut liitle towns.

  • VIGNETTES. you need a “Vignetters” to travel by car in Czechia. If you don’t have one, you could get a fine. You can get that online. Link here. We got the 10 days pass. $13.10 or 310 Kč (Czechia currency).

  • U Salzmannů: The oldest restaurant and hotel in Pilsen. Link here. Czech cuisine is amazing. Delicious cuisine with excellent Pilsner beer. Devin and I stopped there on May 18 on our way to Prague.

  • Pilsner Urquell Brewery - Plzeň 3, Czechia: Glass-fronted brewery specializing in pilsner offering tours to brewing cellars & bottling plant. Link here. Devin and I stopped there on May 18 on our way to Prague.

  • Charles Bridge: Charles Bridge is a medieval stone arch bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the early 15th century. Link here.

  • U Parlamentu Restaurant, Prague, Czechia. Link here.

  • U Glaubiců Restaurant, Prague, Czechia. Link here.

  • Car rental. Link here.

Comments, thoughts and curiosities…

  • What are great trip. Short trip, only 7 days, but we were able to visit and do so many things and spend time with Guilherme, Maria, Julian, Rafael and my mom Rosa. May in Germany and Czechia is beautiful. The weather is great.

  • Thank you Gui, Maria, Julian and Rafael for the hospitality. We hope you guys can come visit us soon and we are looking foward to go back to Germany and Czechia. Maybe in August/September for us to be able to go to the Dult again? NOT THIS YEAR. But soon. Mom, obrigada por fazer suas comidinhas pra mim.

  • Annika, Maria’s sister and Felix, Annika’s boyfriend brought us to do a wondeful hike around Deurling (The town where my brother lives). Thank you.

  • The train ride from Munique airport to Regensburg was super easy to do, but once you buy yout ticket make sure to write your name on it or you could get a fine or they could yell at you…

  • Germany has more rules than Czechia… In my opnion.

  • The mineral water does not taste that good.

  • Germans are very fiendly and they all speak english.

  • “Prost” means Cheers.

  • Never been to Oktoberfest but I have a feeling it is similar to the Dult. The dult is way smaller and cheaper I would say. Everyone dresses up like the Bavarians and I can’t wait to own my Bavarian outfit (made in Germany). I want to go back every year if I could.

  • Bavarian is a part of Germany and Bohemia is a part of Czechia (according to Devin).

  • Bike people own the road in Germany. Respect them and they have more rights than you, if you are driving a car.

  • This trip inspired some new wishes and goals. I told Devin he needs to give me a new cute vespa and a professional camera.

  • Czechia is waaaay more cheap than Germany. Why? Because they have their own currence. NO EUROS there.

  • Lots of places in Germany will only take cash (EUROS). Bring cash. We brought a total of 200 euros.

  • Best beer in the world: Germany (my opinion. (My opinion).

  • Best sausage and mustard in the world: Germany (My opinion).

  • AIR France airlines offers good food and drinks. No masks needed.

  • Lufthansa was ok in terms of food, masks needed and the bathroom in the airplans was downstairs. They had 5 bathroons.

  • Time zone difference sucks.

Movies and Thoughts

Watched on December 24, 2021. Don’t Look Up - Adam McKay: A mix of how the government only cares about money and they own interests and people’s behave based on what the news industry tell to them.

Watched before the end of 2021 . Silent Night - Camille Griffin: A critic to the government. A pill to kill your self and avoid pain. Meanwhile you are not 100% sure if you will be fine or not after the pain. The government told you the pain will be terrible and to avoid the pain is best to kill your self with a pill. A disrespect to who actually tries to get treatment if they have a serious decease and have to go thought so much pain. Like cancer.

Watched on Friday Jan 07. Old (Film) - M. Night Shyamalan: Pharmaceutical companies thinking they are doing a favor for people researching new medicine and costing people’s life. No care. Is all about money for them.

3 movies, all talking about very similar topics. People’s behave, government, the new industry and pharmaceutical companies.

The sad part is that I think we got to the point where questioning is bad, trying to get the true is impossible to find because all you find is what the social media wants you to find. Can we trust the data? I don’t trust. Can we trust the news people? Why everyone around me does not think what is happening is a big deal? Why there is no tests appointments available? Are they going to tell us next, to not spend the holidays with our families because you could get a cold?

Why the wat between unvaccinated and vaccinated? I am not against vaccines but I am against when you force people to do things and all I see these days more and more is people being force to do things. Is not OK.

Should we just accept this control of our life’s?

silent NIGHT

Bodas de Algodão Doce

Forgot to register here our 3 month anniversary. It’s called “Bodas de Algodão Doce - Cotton Candy” love you 😍 @dev_sprague

O significado das Bodas de Algodão Doce:

Quando o casal completa três meses de casamento é o Algodão Doce que representa o momento de diversão alegria e companheirismo da relação. A vida a dois só está começando e não faltarão motivos para comemorar.

The meaning of the Cotton Candy Anniversary:

When the couple completes three months of marriage it is Cotton Candy that represents the moment of fun, joy and companionship of the relationship. Life as a couple is just beginning and there will be no shortage of reasons to celebrate. (December 25, 2021).

Iceland 🇮🇸

Iceland REVIEW

Me and Devin decided to come to Iceland for his birthday. The plan was, leave on Thursday, flight was at 7:50pm and we would arrive in Reykjavík at 6am on Friday. The plan seemed great. We would have from Friday morning to Sunday morning to enjoy. The flight would be at 5:15pm on Sunday and we would be back in Boston around 5pm.

Plans not always goes as planned. Lol 😂 if you know me well you know how frustrated I can become when things don’t work out as I planned.

Bueno we end up leaving Friday at 7:50pm and got there around 7am. We took a bus (flybys) from the airport to Reykjavík (not cheap ride) around $70 for me and Devin. We stopped at Bus Stop number 6 and had a 7 min walk to our hotel. Hotel Frón. A 3 start hotel. Overall the hotel was OK, they extended our stay to Monday for an extra 100 euros. When we booked at booking.com was $176 from Friday to Sunday. The big problem was the water smell, I thought the all the waters smelled like that but find out later was only that hotel water. So the hotel us affordable, super central and close to nice stores, bars and restaurants but if you don’t like egg smell / taste water don’t go there.


Can I just say I love feeling happy to go to work. I missed this feeling. 40 hours of your week every week, I feel fortunate I enjoy those 40 hours. Happy first week on my new job!


I love building relationships. I mean actually getting to know someone. Truly learn about that person. Building friendships takes time and lots of work, both parties need to want that and are willing to give each other time. You might not be able to physically meet that person often, maybe because you live far from each other, because of schedule or anything else but there is always a way, if both of you want.
I am glad over the last couple years I was able to bond and maintain some friendships. My friends, please be aware that I really value each one of you and I am here for you guys. Is not easy, but is always possible.
Building this friendships made me learn and understand better that nobody is perfect. That with more and more intimacy at some point someone might say something that could hurt the other person, but is not too late if both of you want to invest on that relationship.
The more you know someone, the more you notice all the things you have in common with that person and more things you don’t. And is Ok! You don’t need to agree in everything, you don’t need to like everything that the other person likes. Is about respect the other person and not make only about you all the time. I learned that is important to be able to really listen to what others have to say, because everything they know is based on their life experiences. When you are able to do that, open minded you can learn so many new things and new ways to see life. Thank you my friends for helping me be a better person.


Week Agenda - Nov 01 to Nov 07

11/01 - Prime the walls before start Painting

11/02 - AMC Movie Date Night : The French Dispatch

11/03 - Spinning Class for Devin (maybe) and Book Club

11/04 - Maybe Paint and finish room / Book Club

11/05 - Imax movie Night: Eternals

11/06 - Finish to repair generator / Finish preparing Wings for the Winter / Dinner at Erik’s House

11/07 - We are hosting Lunch with friends

Weekly report

It was crazy stressful week after Tuesday. We lost power from 2am Wednesday to 5pm on Friday. I am happy to have the nicest neighbor: Veronica. She is very sweet lady that let me stay at her house on Wednesday and Thursday. I feel very grateful to have her next door. Thank you Veronica 💕.

On thursday night i left the house and went to my in-laws house to finally take a shower. Friday night i was happy to Help klyie get ready for Her first HALLOWEEN dance party at her school. She Was VAMPIRE. Had greAt dinner with devin’s parents At the port RestaUrant. The food was amazing. Back to their house my right ear was BotherinG me but i was able to rElax at the hottub. I was back home On saturday and we wenT to BEn’s House for hIs HALLOWEEN party. Was fUn. I Dressed like mulan and devin like dr fauci. 😂

devin asked me why are you wearing a flower on your hair. Obviously he never watched Mulan 🥲. Line of the imperator.

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all." The Emperor, Mulan

And there is also the line from her father:

Fa Zhou : My, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one's late. But I'll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.

Ned's Point Lighthouse - Mattapoisett

Today started as a cloudy rainy fall day but by noon the Sun was out and it was 70 degrees. It was warmer outside than it was in our house. Devin and I live across the harbor from the lighthouse, on Mattapoisett Neck. Last Friday I contacted justice of the piece Joseph F. Dawicki III and explained to him that on September 25, Devin and I flew to Brazil to get married. Now that we are back in the US, we wanted to make it official here. Joe was excited to help us and immediately asked if we wanted to do it at the Lighthouse because he has the key. I thought that was a perfect idea. Devin would love this. The view, the ocean. On Monday 10/25/2021 at 4pm, on our first month anniversary we made it official in the US. Joe mentioned it was the first time in 30 years a couple got married at the top of Ned's Point Lighthouse. Thank you to our friends Mason and Lynne, for taking these amazing pictures.

Week agenda - oct 25 to oct 31

10/25 - one month wedding anniversary or in Portuguese we call it: “bodas de beijinho” 💕

  • Time: 4pm ♡ where: MATTAPOISETT lighthouse ♡ what: casamento no civil ♡ who: devin my husBand and joE The justice Of the peace

  • 9pm Culto no lar

10/26 - movie nigHt: the last duel

10/26 - book club

10/27 - book club

10/28 - tbd

10/29 - tbd

10/30 - ben’s HALLOWEEN party


Bodas de beijinho

Por ser comemorada ainda no início do casamento, as bodas de beijinho possuem um simbolismo único, representando o carinho de um casal que ainda está no período pós lua de mel. Dessa forma, a data serve para que ambos dediquem uma atenção especial ao seu amor.

I couldn’t find a better way to celebrate our first month wedding anniversary getting married with you again here in our beautiful town Mattapoisett at 4pm inside the light house with a beautiful view of the harbor. I love you. Can’t wait to say I do again.

Week agenda

Monday: culto no lar - tabi. Comedy show - devin

Tuesday: hair cut and movie date night

  • Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Wednesday: book club

Thursday: book club

friday: cervejas and caipirinhas - maybe

Saturday: getting ready all day for friends wedding

sunday: Larry David is back !!! New season !


Why I miss belo: because it’s casual!

Let me plan a barbecue… people will just show up., people would come all the way from Germany for my barbecue..

Can I have a cervejinha and picanha please? Tabi